Friday, December 28, 2012

Squirrel Lessons for Me

            We have a resident squirrel at our house.  She provides much entertainment for me and my cat, Benny.  I am sure the entertainment for each not quite the same.  While I am admiring this bunch of active fur Benny is hunched down as low as he can get in front of the patio doors, slowing creeping, inch by inch, closer to the glass door.  Pure cat!  Squirrel saved by a pane of glass!
            I have given her the female gender because she is so busy, so storing up for the winter, even though the winter is here.  She makes me think of the ladies in my village when canning season is upon them.
  This grey little “lady” is swift of foot and keeps at it, back and forth from our woodshed to the nearest big pine tree. The earth is covered with a few inches of snow. It is a fair distance, out in the open, passing along a sidewalk, then an apple tree and sandbox, on behind the swing set and zip, up the pine tree. Sometimes she pauses on top of the sandbox lid, taking a breather, but always on the alert.  She makes this run while packing an item as big as her own head in her jaws.  I am guessing it is a dried apple that she has previously pocketed away in the woodshed in warmer days, when I was through harvesting my own apples. 
            It is not even a minute before she is back down on the ground, checking out a fallen pine cone or two and then a dash back to the shed for yet another burden. 
            She has to be brave, we have an outdoor cat with two kittens.  Maybe she knows they are a lazy variety as they often turn their backs on her activities.  We also have families of magpies that call that same pine “home.”  There seems to be no threat from that department.
            So industrious, so intent on what she is doing.  She could provide several lessons for most humans about how to conduct their lives, how to be successful.  It always makes me think that I need to be better at prioritizing what is important in the eternal scheme of things.  I admire her so much, I just had to write about her.  Hope you have enjoyed it.

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Delight or Drudgery?

It is time for Christmas Cards, and it is a time I like.  This does take lots of time, there is the list of recipients, the writing of notes or perhaps a letter revealing the events of the last 12 months in your lives,  the addressing, the stamping, sealing and mailing.  It is not an overnight task at my house, the process has to be dovetailed in with the chores of daily living.  I always wish I had started to do it earlier, like some of my well organized friends.  However I have learned that whether early in the season or late, the sending and receiving is what is important, even if the card arrives after Christmas. 

When the mailman, or woman in my case, delivers a greeting from a friend or relative it warms my heart.  First I do some thinking about the individual who chose to send us a card, grateful that we are sufficiently a part their lives to receive a card.  Then I am warmed again as I open and peruse the contents.  Finally I want to find a spot to display the card as part of my Christmas decorations.  In this way I am reminded of the friend and our association for several weeks, depending on when it arrived.

I have yet to get this year's cards in the mail.  I do have the list out, the boxes of cards chosen and today finished up my annual letter.  I have wondered if those getting my missives will be bored by the "same old, same old," descriptions of the life of me and my husband.  I have decided that doesn't matter.  What matters is how I feel about them.  One has just recently buried her husband and I need to keep that in mind while I am in the midst of this annual production.  Normally she is one who just sends a card, no note, etc.  but I think this year I need to reach a little more than usual.  I wonder if there are some who have been seriously ill, or had circumstances in their lives that I might have assisted, had I known.  Still, this is the one time of year that we pause and wish goodness for others in this special way.

This year I want to feel like each card to my friends is like a birthday card for our Savior, after all it is His  birth that brings all of these good feelings into my heart.  I know He wants us all to come to the celebration of His coming to earth.