Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Cold weather musings

I like living where there are four seasons.  There are times that nature seems to overlook spring and jumps from winter to summer.  On a rare year we may  have only a glimpse of fall before winter arrives after our summer.  The promise of change is good for my soul and knowing some of the wonderful things that come with each time of year is encouraging in so many ways. 

Snow brings such pristine beauty into my life and I enjoy it for that reason and others.  I like the brisk, crisp air, unless I have some respiratory disorder that causes pain when I breathe in the frigid air.    Icicles are constantly changing and when there is light on these formations it is like a splotlight on nature's crystal sculptures.  The light can be artificial or from the sun, the loveliness still exists.

I don't mind shoveling snow, in small amounts.  I am grateful that at our house we have a tractor to clear much of the walk and the driveway, the roads around our farm buildings.  Usually this extends to neighbor's homes as well.  The danger of slipping on the ice or having a solid chunk of ice from the roof drop onto an unsuspecting soul, maybe me,  that is getting harder to bear as my years go by.

Cold weather brings opportunities for fun that would be impossible without it.  I grew up skating on frozen ponds and rivers, sleigh riding, digging snow tunnels, enjoying a good snowball fight.  Didn't do much in the way of skiing, the places offering such were too far distant and expensive in my young life.  However all of my children enjoy that activity as does my spouse.  I like the fun side of winter, even when I have graduated to more of a spectator rather than participant.

This particular season, 2012-13, has brought a good winter, but it is getting a little long in the tooth.  I am ready for a change of pace. February can be a dreary month when one is bombarded with foggy days and continual gloom.  March, just the name signifies marching to warmer, green things, dirt.  As far as the work load, there will be an increase with outdoor chores.  Some of those precious reading times by a warm fire will dwindle.  Yep, think I am ready for March, even the mud that goes with it.  It has been a long, icy season and I am thinking seed catalogs, crocuses. about now.  How about you?