Thursday, October 29, 2020

Habits Last Forever

 I use a keyboard a great deal.  Who knew when I took a typing class in high school that those rows of letters, space bar, numbers, etc. would consume so may of my waking hours. It seems the writing of lots of things just falls into my lap. Perhaps those around me think that because I am retired I have little else to do. Whatever the reason I end up using a keyboard a good part of nearly every day.

 I now work as a journalist, writing three columns each week for our local newspaper that is published weekly. I am the secretary for our county's historical society board, requiring minutes, publications, etc.  I do genealogy research and endeavor to write family histories about ancestors and some stories from my own life or that of my family. Currently I am serving as our village historian. I believe strongly in the importance of writing a letter to my family members at least monthly. Ok, I have established that I have reason to be using the keyboard on a regular basis. 

In typing class Mr. Impson taught that one should put two spaces following the end of a sentence or question before beginning the next volley of words. It took some time, but I did get the hang of it and the now developed habit has served me well for decades.

Now, however, the powers that govern the printed word have changed the rules. Only one space between  the flow of thoughts. When one slips up and places two spaces a little grey rectangle fills one of those spaces when the intended material is sent online to a receiver. It serves as a reminder to me that, try as I might, I am still clinging to the old habit. 

There are all sorts of habits in my life that need that constant grey mark to keep me aiming for improvement. Habits become ingrained, both good and bad, and our awareness of them lessens.  Hopefully my putting these thoughts into words will serve as a grey mark in other areas of my life's journey. Life is full of changes.