Sunday, March 27, 2022

Smiles and Sharing

 This past week turned upside down for me on Monday.  Plans went to the winds while I readjusted to the unplanned that came into my life.

On a quick trip to the grocery store, only picking up a few items,  I had my mind on what needed to be done during the rest of the hours that day.  You know, the daily stuff--fold laundry, and put it away,  figure out food for the evening meal and fix it, etc.   Any more phone calls I still hadn't made?  Any personal visits I ought to make if time and energy allowed?    I got my milk--it was our weekly discount milk day--a loaf of bread, a plant to give my sister-in-law for her birthday, and a couple of bags of noodles.  The shelves had been empty of noodles the week before when I had them on my list.  

I was exiting the store, pushing my cart out into the parking lot, grateful for the cart to lean upon.   An elderly gentlemen was walking toward me on his way into the store.  I didn't know him, but I smiled as our paths intersected and simply said, "Hello."    Still keeping pace he replied with, "Thank you for your smile."

Those few words altered my day.  As I put the few items in my car, pushed my cart into the rack, I kept thinking how important a smile is.  It spreads good things, feelings of interest, caring.  I don't think he was evaluating if I had perfect orthodontic teeth, or that he saw the wrinkles on my face.  Smiles are so simple, and also so needed.  There are many things in the world around us, all of us,  in our everyday lives that cause us to feel down, overwhelmed, negative about life in general.  A smile lifts, one that is connected to the eyes a well as the lips, and not a word has to be spoken.  

My life is full of smiling moments and this one encounter made me conscious of the need to share them in as many opportunities as come my way.